Sunday, February 17, 2008

Today feels like we have turned a corner here at Upper Hayne. On the farm today we started our heater in the insulated fish house - the start of a new phase in our work at Upper Hayne. It has taken the best part of a year to refurbish the system so that it will work better to our needs. Much of the delay has been associated with doing a whole lot of other things which meant that the refurbishment took much longer............. such is life.

The fish house will be kept at a temperature of around 22 degrees centigrade which should give us good fish growth. We have made several modifications to the system however nothing drastic at this stage. However our goal is redevelop the site - using renewable energy and home grown food to feed the fish and the plants. This will take time, money, perservereance and a lot of help from others..........

I hope in the weeks and months to come - that those of you following our story will finding it both rewarding and interesting - do get in touch and have a look at our website - which still needs a bit of tweeking.