Upper Hayne fish farm, situated in Mid Devon, was converted to organic in 2007 and started growing carp for the table. In 2008/9, the first organic carp were on sale in the UK. Arguably the most sustainable fish farmed in the UK, the fish farm has attracted a lot of interest. Our fish are fed locally sourced feeds and reared to the strict standards demanded by the Soil Association. These fish taste really good, as demonstrated by Hugh Fernley Whittingstall from Channel 4's River Cottage
Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010
The growing season is coming to an end - heavy dews in the morning are the norm now - but the fish are still feeding. We plan to go through our pond during November and we will then know what we have and what we will have to sell over Christmas.
We have two courses coming up shortly on Aquaponics and backyard fish farming - you can visit our website aquavisiononline.com for more details.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Residential introductory course to sm...
Residential introductory course to small scale fish farming
This course aims to introduce the subject of small scale aquaculture and how this can be practically applied in a range of different situations from a small recirculating tank set up, to a series of ponds perhaps covering up to several acres. The weekend course will provide a comprehensive coverage of the subject with an emphasis on how theory can be put into practice.
A range of topics will be covered in the during the weekend in order to give a basic understanding of the fundamentals and how these could be applied to the situation each candidate finds themselves in.
The course will cover a range of topics including:
· Site assessment – what is needed, what is possible
· Legal requirements – includng planning, water abstraction & discharge, disease and live fish movement
· Water quality parameters
· Plan, design & construction of small scale aquaculture systems
· Routine husbandry tasks for small scale aquaculture operations including feeding & feed assessment, cleaning, growth measurement, grading fish
· Biosecurity, fish health and welfare
· harvesting fish, processing and cooking the home grown fish.
· Enviromental impact and its management
· Organic aquaculture
· There will be an opportunity to carry out some routine or development work on the fish farm
Time will be spent looking at the demonstations on site including tank and pond based systems. On the Sunday there will be an opportunity for attendees to discuss their own individual sitations to assist in the development of a plan.
Introduction to Small-scale fish farming
Venue: Upper Hayne Farm, Devon
Dates: April 3-5th or
May 8-10 2009
Course Outline
Fri 3rd April / 8th May
18.00hrs Arrival &Welcome
18.30hrs: Supper
19.30hrs: Course outline, an introduction to small scale aquaculture,
Saturday 4th April / 9th May
9.00hrs: Small-scale aquaculture the basics I – site assesment, plan, design & construction of BYFF projects, followed by a tour of the Fish House
10.30hrs: Coffee
11.00hrs: Small-scale aquaculture the basics II – Husbandry routines
12.30hrs: Lunch
14.00hrs Small scale aquaculture systems – specific topics including fish health, fish welfare, biosecurity, envirnomental impact
15.30hrs Tea
16.00hrs: Tour of demonstrations
17.30 hrs—Free time
18.30hrs Dinner
19.30hrs Talk on organic aquaculture
Sunday 5th April / 10th May
9.00hrs: Fish farm walk
9.30hrs: Small scale aquaculture – managing the systems
10.30hrs: Coffee
11.00hrs: Harvest and cooking the produce plus advice on individual set ups, course round up and evaluation
12.30hrs Lunch
14.00hrs Departure
Taster day on Back Yard Fish Farming
This one day course is designed for those who would like to know more about fish farming and see how small scale aquaculture can be practiced.
There will be an introductory session covering principles, theories and practices in small scale fish farming systems. An outline will then be given on what are the basic requirements for farming fish in your back garden or field . Following lunch—including a taste of our organic carp, a tour of the fish farm will take place with
particular reference made to the BYFF demonstrations which we are running on the farm.
There will also be an opportunity to discuss individual requirements and projects.
Venue: Upper Hayne Farm. Devon
Date(s): April 25, July 4, 2009
Course outline
9.00hrs: Arrival, welcome and introduction to the day followed by a tour of the Fish House
10.30hrs: Coffee
11.30hrs: Small scale fish farming: an introduction
13.00hrs: Lunch
14.00hrs: Small scale fish farming systems and their management
15.30hrs: Tea
16.00hrs Tour of fish farm, & demonstrations
17.30hrs course ends
Open day 7th June 2009
Sunday June the 7 is Farm Open Day which is a nationwide initiative where farms open their gates for people to visit and learn about what work takes place on a farm and a chance to see at close quarters the plants and animals which are reared. In our case we are perhaps unique as our produce grows IN water!
In the UK there is a huge interest in fish and water gardening. For instance, angling in the UK is the largest participatory sport. Many people also enjoy rearing fish as pets—in the UK there are over 2 million ponds in the UK—many with fish. People are farming fish already though they may not realize it.
The open day will provide an opportunity to learn about fish farming and how we can develop a much more sustainable approach to aquaculture both at the farm level or in your back garden.
Contact us for more details or visit our web site.
Upper Hayne Farm Open Day
7 June 2009
Venue Upper Hayne Farm, Devon
An opportunity to see around the first organic fish farm which has joined the Soil Association’s Organic Farm Network.
- Events will include:
- Farm walks and talks
- Pond dipping
- Feeding fish
- A taster of some seasonal fish farming work
More details will be published on our website
For the weekend and one day courses we have put together a list of bed & breakfasts and local hotels where attendees can stay during the course. We can supply this list on request.
Course costs
Weekend course
Course fees which includes: tuition, meals on Friday evening, Saturday lunch & supper, Sunday lunch and tea breaks between plus course handouts.
Course fee = £150.00 plus VAT (£ 172.50)
One day course
Course fees include:
Tuition, lunch, tea/coffee breaks plus handouts
Fee: £65.00 plus VAT (£74.75)
Weekend course application form
Weekend course in small scale aquaculture Course dates (tick preferred date) 3- 5 April 2009 19—21 June 2009 I require information on accommodation Cost of course: £150 + VAT (£172.50) This cost includes Tuition Meals Friday evening, lunch and evening meal on Saturday and lunch on Sunday, plus refreshments breaks during the day. Hand outs To book one place on the weekend course, please send a cheque for £50.00 deposit (payable to Aquavision). The remainder of the fee (£122.50) is payable 2 weeks before the start of the course. Cancellation up to a week before the course, the total course fee will be returned minus £50.00. Cancellation within a week of the course starting— no refund is payable. Please contact us if you have any queries. I enclose a cheque for £……………….. made payable to Aquavision to cover the cost of the deposit for …… places on the weekend small scale fish farming course at Upper Hayne Farm in Devon. I will send the outstanding amount to attend the course within 2 weeks of the course start date.
Signature ………………………………………………………………...
Name in capitals………………………………...…. Date……………...
Address…………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….Tel:……………………………Postcode:……………….. Email:……………………………………………………….
One day course a
One day course in small scale aquaculture Course dates (tick preferred date) 25 April 2009 4 July 2009
Cost of course: £65 + VAT (£74.75) This cost includes Tuition Lunch, plus refreshments breaks during the day. Hand out
To book one place on the one day course, please send a cheque for £25.00 deposit (payable to Aquavision). The remainder of the fee (£49.75) is payable 2 weeks before the start of the course. Cancellation up to a week before the course, the total course fee will be returned minus £25.00. Cancellation within a week of the course starting— no refund is payable. Please contact us if you have any queries.
I enclose a cheque for £……………….. made payable to ‘Aquavision’. To cover the cost of the deposit for …… places on the one day small scale fish farming course at Upper Hayne Farm in Devon. I will send the outstanding amount to attend the course within 2 weeks of the course start date.
Signature ………………………………………………………………...
Name in capitals………………………………...…. Date……………...
Address………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………… Tel: ………………………………Postcode:………………... Email:………………………………………………………..
Please send application and deposit to Aquavision Upper Hayne Farm Blackborough Cullompton Devon EX15 2JD Tel: 01823 680888 Email: info@aquavisononline.com |
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The fish house will be kept at a temperature of around 22 degrees centigrade which should give us good fish growth. We have made several modifications to the system however nothing drastic at this stage. However our goal is redevelop the site - using renewable energy and home grown food to feed the fish and the plants. This will take time, money, perservereance and a lot of help from others..........
I hope in the weeks and months to come - that those of you following our story will finding it both rewarding and interesting - do get in touch and have a look at our website - which still needs a bit of tweeking.